Friday, 13 April 2012

In tribute to Begoths Forum.

A few weeks ago I took some pictures of my begoth girls, Atara inferno and Gloria Phobia (purple limited ed.) with the intentions of posting them on the begoths forum. You see begoths for the past few years have been having money troubles and no one was quite sure if series 9 would ever get released, slowly people stopped posting on the forum so often until there was only a maximum of 1 post per month (well give or take). So I vowed to give people something to look at when they returned. Sadly today Dian pointed out today that the whole website has had an update, the forum has gone missing and series 9 has been announced as rejected. Although I post about pullips a lot, Begoths is where I started and its where my heart will always be. Lots of people are selling their collections and going to different hobbies, I would never sell my Current begoth dolls for other dolls. I just might not buy more for awhile. Any way fingers crossed for the forum coming back... and many thanks to Steve Varner.

1 comment:

  1. If you ever come across a Fiona Fatale, please let me know! We have one in the box but our daughter, Fiona would love to have one to open and we can't find her anywhere!
