Friday, 20 April 2012

Trusting other people.

Face-up before I sent her away.

first ever face-up

Lilly and Echo.
Taking a break from bio's for a post (or two) mainly because I am unsure who to introduce next. Like I have said many times I don't like to take the risk of ruining plot lines. Lilly is my oldest doll and the main character of my writing so I feel that naturally she would come next but she is still having her face-up done. Which brings me to my next point trusting other people with your property. I sent lilly away around 2 weeks ago now for a face-up, and today I have been feeling a little bit nervous. I am not going to tell you who I sent her to at this point because I feel that no feedback positive or negative should be left until more progression is made. Anyway I'm feeling nervous because I opted to pay early as I wanted to do it when I had some spare money in my paypal account (Bank cards are a pain for causing me problems >.<). I sent the money a week ago which is also when I received my last email from the customizer, to para-phrase it said sending payment early was fine and she should be finished in a couple of days. I have sent 2 emails and heard nothing back so on the basis that she now  has my money and my doll I'm feeling pretty nervous. I'm sure that she is just busy but I am unsure how long to wait before I assume that I have been ripped off? I think this person would be silly to rip me off because I have their full name and Address and they are some-what known in the hobby but I'm sure it will work itself out, trusting strangers sure is a hard thing to do sometimes. How do you guys cope in this sort of situation?

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